Observations are presented on nine selected patients with chronic uppe
r limb demyelinating neuropathy to illustrate the range of manifestati
ons that may be observed. In three, the involvement was purely motor,
in five, mixed motor and sensory and, in one, virtually purely sensory
; in seven the symptoms were unilateral and in two bilateral. The pres
ence of reduced nerve conduction velocity and conduction block and the
response to treatment in seven of the cases indicate that they repres
ented examples of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (C
IDP) with focal involvement. This was confirmed by nerve biopsy in two
cases. The presentation in one patient was accompanied by forearm swe
lling initially suspected of being a tumour but shown to be due to mus
cle hypertrophy. This was probably the consequence of recurrent muscle
cramps and fasciculation and possibly neuromyotonia. The patient with
predominant sensory involvement restricted to the upper limbs demonst
rates that sensory CIDP can present focally. In one patient with monom
elic motor and sensory involvement, nerve biopsy showed multifocal are
as of hypertrophic demyelinating neuropathy distally in the ulnar nerv
e without inflammatory infiltration. This patient failed to respond to
therapy. Response in the others was satisfactory, although one patien
t with a monomelic motor neuropathy showed a severe deterioration afte
r being given corticosteroids; he subsequently improved with intraveno
us human immunoglobulin therapy.