In a series of experimental investigations of a subject with a unilate
ral impairment of tactile object recognition without impaired tactile
sensation, several issues were addressed. First, is tactile agnosia se
condary to a general impairment of spatial cognition? On tests of spat
ial ability, including those directed at the same spatial integration
process assumed to be taxed by tactile object recognition, the subject
performed well, implying a more specific impairment of high level, mo
dality specific tactile perception. Secondly, within the realm of high
level tactile perception, is there a distinction between the ability
to derive shape ('what') and spatial ('where') information? Our testin
g showed an impairment confined to shape perception. Thirdly, what asp
ects of shape perception are impaired in tactile agnosia? Our results
indicate that despite accurate encoding of metric length and normal ma
nual exploration strategies, the ability tactually to perceive objects
with the impaired hand, deteriorated as the complexity of shape incre
ased. In addition, asymmetrical performance was not found for other bo
dy surfaces (e.g. her feet). Our results suggest that tactile shape pe
rception can be disrupted independent of general spatial ability, tact
ile spatial ability, manual shape exploration, or even the precise per
ception of metric length in the tactile modality.