We studied the vision of 12 patients with unilateral lesions of the vi
sual cortex. All had a VI-type scotoma located in the contralateral vi
sual fields, as expected, and visual acuity of 20/30 or better. Our ai
m was to test the hypothesis that they also had a visual deficit in th
eir ipsilesional or 'good' visual fields. The first experiment tested
the subjects' ability to respond to transient signals presented at unp
redictable temporal intervals and spatial locations amongst many spati
ally random and identical distracter elements. The results showed that
, compared with controls, the lesion group had a significantly reduced
sensitivity to signal and increased response times affecting both hem
ifields. In a second experiment, we tested the useful field of view (U
FOV) in two of the patients under conditions of differing attention de
mand. Both showed bilateral constriction, compatible with the results
of the first experiment. One possible explanation for the bilateral ef
fects of unilateral occipital lobe lesions is damage to interhemispher
ic connections along their presplenial course, affecting the synthesis
of visual information from both hemifields (i.e. the interhemispheric
diaschisis effects put forth by von Monakow). The trouble is task dep
endent and can be construed as a global reduction in visual attention
capacity. It is subtle in comparison with the contralesioned V-1-type
scotoma that Holmes measured, yet may account for unexplained complain
ts of reduced performance in some patients, particularly in tasks with
high visual information processing demands, such as reading and autom
obile driving.