Adriana (Euphorbiaceae) is an endemic Australian genus of dioecious sh
rubs found widely throughout the mainland. Results of a taxonomic revi
sion of Adriana are presented and a new taxonomy is proposed in which
three taxa are recognised. Adriana quadripartita (Labill.) Muell. Arg,
is a southern Australian, predominantly coastal taxon. Adriana toment
osa Gaudich. is a widely distributed species that exhibits considerabl
e variation in leaf morphology and indumentum, in contrast to basic fl
oral structure which is similar throughout the species, and it compris
es two varieties. Adriana tomentosa var. tomentosa is a coastal and in
land taxon with a distribution along both eastern and western seaboard
s and in northern Australia. Adriana tomentosa var. hookeri (F.Muell.)
C.L.Gross & M.A.Whalen is an inland taxon occurring in the dry interi
or from Western Australia to New South Wales. A key to these taxa, des
criptions and distribution maps are provided. Morphological variation
patterns, the delimitation of taxa and the utility of different morpho
logical characters as diagnostic features in Adriana are discussed.