Three approaches have been used to investigate the inhibitory role of
the cytokinin class of phytohormones in plant senescence: external app
lication of cytokinins, measurement of endogenous cytokinin levels bef
ore and during senescence, and manipulation of endogenous cytokinin pr
oduction in transgenic plants. In transgenic plant studies, endogenous
cytokinin levels are manipulated by expression of IPT, a gene encodin
g isopentenyl transferase. Transgenic plants expressing IPT from a var
iety of promoters exhibit developmental and morphological alterations
and often display retarded leaf senescence. A recently developed autor
egulatory senescence-inhibition system targets cytokinin production qu
antitatively, spatially and temporally, and results in transgenic plan
ts that exhibit significantly delayed senescence without abnormalities
. These transgenic studies not only confirm the regulatory role of cyt
okinins in plant senescence, but also provide a way to manipulate sene
scence for potential agricultural applications.