Asymmetric cell divisions play a key role in establishing neuronal div
ersity in the mammalian and Drosophila CNS, but the mechanisms involve
d are mostly unknown. The Drosophila MP2 precursor divides asymmetrica
lly to generate the dMP2/vMP2 interneurons. Delta-Notch signaling is r
equired to specify vMP2 fate, whereas the localized determinant Numb i
s segregated into dMP2 and is required to specify dMP2 fate. Notch; nu
mb double mutants have two dMP2 neurons; hence, Numb is not required f
or dMP2 fate, but antagonizes the Delta-Notch ''vMP2'' signal. In vivo
Delta expression and in vitro culture experiments show that vMP2 fate
is specified by an ''inductive'' signal from outside the MP2 lineage.
Thus, intrinsic and extrinsic cues converge to specify binary cell fa
tes in the MP2 cell lineage.