A seasonal furrow irrigation model consisting of submodels to predict
irrigation schedule (water balance), irrigation design (surface irriga
tion hydraulics), and crop yield (yield function) under spatially and
temporally variable conditions was developed and verified with the fie
ld data. The model was used to predict irrigation performance for each
irrigation event during the season, soil moisture before each irrigat
ion, seasonal evapotranspiration (ET), and bean yield along the furrow
at 10-m intervals. In addition, measured inputs along the furrow, inc
luding heterogeneous infiltration, soil moisture, and yield were used
in conjunction with the model to estimate mean (17.3%) and variation i
n available water-holding capacity (AWC) (15.4%-19.8%). Variation in c
rop yield represents an integrated effect of variability in infiltrati
on, soil water characteristics, root depth, soil fertility, microclima
te, fertilizer and pesticide applications, plants, and disease. Using
the calibrated model, nearly 88% of the variance in ET estimated with
the yield function was explained by simulated variation in infiltratio
n characteristics, soil water-holding capacity, and root depth. By ass
uming homogeneous infiltration characteristics, soil water properties,
and root depth, the average absolute error in seasonal ET increased b
y only 0.6 cm but the variance explained decreased to 30%. Although in
absolute terms the impact of heterogeneity seems negligible, Raghuwan
shi (1994) showed that heterogeneity strongly affected the optimal flo
w rate and irrigation time as well as net returns to water.