In traumatically brain-injured (TBI) patients (N = 83), memory perform
ance was examined on the Warrington Recognition Memory Test, Rey-Oster
rieth Complex Figure, and the Logical Memory and Visual Reproduction s
ubtests of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised in relationship to time p
ostinjury and structural changes based on MRI volumetry, including hip
pocampus volume. Significant trauma-induced changes were observed, inc
luding hippocampal atrophy. Structure-function relationships generally
became significant only after 90 days postinjury. Memory tended to re
late more to the degree of hippocampal atrophy, particularly left hipp
ocampus, than to nonspecific indicators such as the temporal horns or
the ventricle-to-brain ratio. A stronger relationship with left versus
right hippocampus was evident for measures of verbal and supposedly n
onverbal memory. These results are discussed with regard to the role t
he hippocampus may play in a neural system of memory.