A fibrinous exudate developed in 8 children after cataract extraction.
Blunt trauma was the cause of cataract formation in 6 children; the o
ther 2 presented with congenital cataract. In 4 of 6 children with tra
umatic cataract, iris damage was evident. Seven children lied an intra
ocular lens implanted. The development of fibrinous exudate in the ant
erior chamber was noted despite routine post-operative topically admin
istered steroids. It typically formed 1-4 days after surgery, In all c
ases topical fortified steroids were unsuccessful in hastening dissolu
tion, Intracameral injection of streptokinase (500-1000 IU) caused dis
solution of fibrin in all cases. No adverse effects were apparent clin
ically with intraocular administration of streptokinase.