We investigated the usefulness of a novel DNA fingerprinting technique
, AFLP, which is based on the selective amplification of genomic restr
iction fragments by PCR, to differentiate bacterial strains at the sub
generic level. In total, 147 bacterial strains were subjected to AFLP
fingerprinting: 36 Xanthomonas strains, including 23 pathovars of Xant
homonas axonopodis and six pathovars of Xanthomonas vasicola, one stra
in of Stenotrophomonas, 90 genotypically characterized strains compris
ing all 14 hybridization groups currently described in the genus Aerom
onas, and four strains of each of the genera Clostridium, Bacillus, Ac
inetobacter, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. Depending on the genus, total gen
omic DNA of each bacterium was digested with a particular combination
of two restriction endonucleases and the resulting fragments were liga
ted to restriction halfsite-specific adaptors. These adaptors served a
s primer-binding sites allowing the fragments to be amplified by selec
tive PCR primers that extend beyond the adaptor and restriction site s
equences. Following electrophoretic separation on 5% (w/v) polyacrylam
ide/8.3 M urea, amplified products could be visualized by autoradiogra
phy because one of the selective primers was radioactively labelled. T
he resulting banding patterns, containing approximately 30-50 visualiz
ed PCR products in the size range 80-550 bp, were captured by a high-r
esolution densitoscanner and further processed for computer-assisted a
nalysis to determine band-based similarity coefficients. This study re
veals extensive evidence for the applicability of AFLP in bacterial ta
xonomy through comparison of the newly obtained data with results prev
iously obtained by well-established genotypic and chemotaxonomic metho
ds such as DNA-DNA hybridization and cellular fatty acid analysis. In
addition, this study clearly demonstrates the superior discriminative
power of AFLP towards the differentiation of highly related bacterial
strains that belong to the same species or even biovar (i.e. to charac
terize strains at the infrasubspecific level), highlighting the potent
ial of this novel fingerprinting method in epidemiological and evoluti
onary studies.