This study was a preliminary open clinical trial aimed at exploring th
e hypothesis that estrogen may provide protection against schizophreni
a in women. Eleven women with acute psychotic symptoms, as scored on t
he BPRS, SAPS and SANS, had 0.02 mg estradiol added to neuroleptic tre
atment for eight weeks. Their response was compared to seven women wit
h similar symptom severity receiving neuroleptic treatment alone. Both
groups had baseline hormonal assays of estrogen, progesterone, LH and
FSH and underwent regular psychopathology ratings during the eight we
eks. The group receiving the estradiol adjunct showed more rapid impro
vement in psychotic symptoms compared with the group receiving neurole
ptics only. This difference was not sustained for the entirety of the
trial. Both groups reached similar levels of recovery by the eighth we
ek. These results suggest that estradiol may have antipsychotic proper
ties and/or act as a catalyst for neuroleptic responsiveness in women
with schizophrenia.