The present paper summarizes a first attempt to capture dynamics of da
ily life in its natural context and to explore new methods for assessm
ent of life-styles. There exists a rapidly growing interest in interdi
sciplinary research on complex system's dynamics, based upon tools der
ived from chaos theory and synergetics. However, given the poor qualit
y of psychological data, simpler methodologies, being able to reflect
complex systems dynamics, have to be developed. Data from diaries of 1
0 subjects collected by means of pocket computers over 3 months, 4 tim
es a day, in natural environments were analyzed. Boolean descriptions
of configurations of multiple variables proved to be an interesting al
ternative to correlational analyses. Dynamics were explored through pl
ots of phase spaces, attractors, basins of attraction and indexes of c
omplexity. Consistent differences between typical and stable versus at
ypical and vulnerable life-styles were identified. Similar macroscopic
rules were found to contribute to self-organization of life-styles th
rough reciprocal processes of emergence and slaving.