A short review of the knowledge on peach genetics to date is presented
in the introduction. Until now, thirty-one phenotypic characters, and
ten polymorphic enzymatic systems with mendelian inheritance have bee
n described. Linkages between eight pairs of loci have been establishe
d and three genetic maps published. These maps include mainly the loca
tion of RAPD and RFLP molecular markers and cannot easily be superimpo
sed. In addition to this review work, results of observations made on
a family originated from a test cross between homozygous and heterozyg
ous parents are given for two mendelian phenotypic characters (ie, fru
it acidity and fruit shape) and for two isoenzymatic systems (ie, mala
te dehydrogenase and catalase). A narrow linkage (5.8 cM) was found be
tween the locus for fruit acidity (D/d) and that for catalase (CAT1-1/
CAT1-2). The other pairs of loci segregate independently, particularly
fruit shape (flat/round), and fruit acidity (sweet/acid). This contra
dicts a previous report of a 35 cM linkage between the loci responsibl
e for these last pairs of characters, assumed from observations made o
n a small size family.