Using scanning electron microscopy it was possible to describe structu
res on the mycelia of macromycetous fungi that possess both taxonomic
and functional importance. For taxonomic characteristization of 11 stu
died species, the presence and distribution of clamps on hypha: repres
ent an important Feature; in the case of Lyophyllum decastes the form
of clamps may be useful for identifying cultures. Formation and types
of anamorhps in Pleurotus calyptratus, Montagnea arenaria and Lyophyll
um decastes are also of taxonomic importance. For additional taxonomic
characterization of cultures of Tricholoma mongolicum the formation o
f ''coils'' might be exploited. Formation of anastomoses and crystals
has predominantly a physiological role. However, in our view, producti
on of crystals under certain culture conditions may serve as a diagnos
tic parameter.