Human breast epithelial MCF10AT cells injected with Matrigel into the
subcutis of nude/beige mice form simple ducts which, with time, resemb
le human proliferative breast disease and sporadically progress to car
cinoma. Basement membrane was visualized with a silver stain and myoep
ithelial cells detected by their reactivity with antibody against smoo
th muscle actin. The ducts formed in situ are bilayered, composed of b
oth myoepithelial and luminal epithelial layers circumscribed by a dis
tinct basement membrane. The human origins of both luminal and myoepit
helial layers were confirmed with fluorescent in situ hybridization wi
th a probe for human chromosome 9. Electron microscopic studies reveal
actin bundles and the formation of hemidesmosomes bordering the basem
ent membrane, consistent with myoepithelium, as well as the formation
of desmosomes between luminal and myoepithelial cells.