The youngest of the Norwegian sociology departments was established so
me 25 years ago, thus concluding this phase in the history of the disc
ipline in Norway. The anniversary provides the opportunity to examine
the subsequent period. The last 25 years have seen an enormous expansi
on in the amount of sociological work, not least due to the growth in
demand for applied social research. However, this has not led to a con
solidation of the discipline. On the contrary, the period is character
ized by heated theoretical debates and continuous theoretical uncertai
nties. Some of the reasons, rooted in the ambitions, orientations, and
organizational structures of the preceding phase - that is, up to 197
0 - are pointed out. Furthermore, some main characteristics of the deb
ates in the following years are discussed. The most important are link
ed to phenomenological anti-positivism, level-of-living research, Marx
ism, critical theory, and feminism. Some common weaknesses in prominen
t sociological theories are pointed out: An insufficient understanding
of individual participants, social norms, and social change. A concep
tion of sociology as a critical theory is sketched. rf sociology is to
function in a critical way, it has to (i) moderate its pretensions of
building one holistic theory and accept itself as a coalition of subd
isciplines, (ii) give far more weight to empirical research in the dev
elopment of theoretical understanding, and (iii) further the developme
nt of normative theory linked to various social arenas.