Compliance with the forthcoming strict short-term smoke (or PM-2.5) an
d SO2 standards makes indispensable the implementation of vigorous ins
pection and maintenance (I&M) programs in urban areas with oil-fired s
pace heating boilers. In the present paper two relevant software packa
ges are analyzed. The first is designed to assist planners in studying
the feasibility of I&M programs in a particular area, guiding them in
the collection of data and performing analysis to evaluate the enviro
nmental; energy, and economic implications. Application of this packag
e in seven Creek cities revealed the possibility of reducing the emiss
ions of smoke, SO2, and NOx by 75%, 6.7%, and 11%, respectively, and t
he fuel oil consumption by 6.7%. The second package expedites the impl
ementation of I&M programs in any area This package is designed to req
uest annual maintenances from each building superintendent, to analyze
the quality of boiler maintenance performed, to generate boiler inspe
ction programs, to produce feedback letters and fines to superintenden
ts and maintenance mechanics, and to compile technical and statistical