A number of studies have found a relationship of lower all-cause morta
lity risk for ESRD patients treated with increasing dose of dialysis.
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of deliv
ered dose of dialysis with cause-specific mortality. Data from the USR
DS Case Mix Adequacy Study, which includes a national random sample of
hemodialysis patients, were utilized. To minimize the contribution of
unmeasured residual renal function, the sample used in this analysis
(N = 2479) included only patients on dialysis for one year or more. Co
x proportional hazards models, stratified for diabetes, were used to a
nalyze the effect of delivered dose of dialysis (measured and reported
by both Kt/V and URR) on major causes of death and withdrawal from di
alysis, adjusting for other covariates including demographics, comorbi
d diseases present at start of study, functional status, laboratory va
lues and other dialysis parameters. Patient follow-up for mortality wa
s censored at the earliest of time of transplantation, 60 days after a
switch to peritoneal dialysis or at the time of data abstraction. For
each 0.1 higher Kt/V, the adjusted relative risk of death due to coro
nary artery disease was 9% lower (RR = 0.91, P < 0.05), due to other c
ardiac causes was 12% lower (RR = 0.88, P < 0.01), due to cerebrovascu
lar disease (CVD) was 14% lower (RR = 0.86, P < 0.05), due to infectio
n was 9% lower (RR = 0.91, P = 0.05), and due to other known causes wa
s 6% lower (RR = 0.94, P < 0.05). There was no statistically significa
nt relationship of Kt/V and risk of death among patients who died of m
alignancy (RR = 0.84, P = 0.10) or among patients whose death cause wa
s missing (RR = 0.95, P = 0.41). The risk of withdrawal from dialysis
prior to death due to any cause was 9% lower (RR = 0.91, P < 0.05) for
each 0.1 higher Kt/V. The relationships of delivered dose of dialysis
, as measured by URR, and cause specific mortality were essentially si
milar in relative magnitude and statistical significance as the relati
onships observed using Kt/V as the measurement of dialysis dose, with
the exception that the relationship was less significant for cerebrova
scular disease and withdrawal from dialysis. The relationship of dialy
sis dose with risk of death due to each cause of death category except
other cardiac causes and ''other'' causes appeared to be of greater m
agnitude and of greater statistical significance among diabetics than
non-diabetics. These results indicate that low dose of dialysis is not
associated with mortality due to just one isolated cause of death, bu
t rather is due to a number of the major causes of death in this popul
ation. This study is consistent with hypotheses that low doses of dial
ysis may promote atherogenesis, infection, malnutrition and failure to
thrive through a variety of pathophysiologic mechanisms. Further stud
y is necessary to confirm these results and to test hypotheses that ar
e developed.