The present paper summarized studies on designing an enzyme membrane r
eactor for the continuous hydrolysis of penicillin G. For the reactor
containing native penicillin acylase, a thermally treated polysulfone
membrane of 10,000 Da nominal cut-off was selected, whereas in the cas
e of the reactor containing stabilized enzyme, an untreated polysulfon
e membrane with the same cut-off parameter is preferable. The hydrolys
is processes were carried out in the appropriate membrane reactors for
three days continuously. Both enzyme preparations were stable during
that period. The expected conversion of penicillin G was estimated on
the basis of a kinetic equation. Good agreement between the calculated
and the measured data was obtained; however, comparison of the enzyme
stability at 37 degrees C shows that penicillin acylase mixed with po
ly(ethyleneimine) is several times more stable than the native enzyme.
The membrane reactor with penicillin acylase stabilized by poly(ethyl
eneimine) seems to be very promising as far as industry applications a
re concerned.