The essential oil from guarana [Paullinia cupana H.B.K. var. sorbilis
(Mart.) Ducke] was analysed. Nine components were identified, namely (
2) methylbenzenes, (1) cyclic monoterpene and (2) cyclic sesquiterpene
hydrocarbons, (2) methoxyphenylpropenes and (2) alkylphenol derivativ
es. The alleged psychoactivity of the essential oil is presumably due
to the identified constituents estragole and anethole. Any contributio
n of aminated metabolites of estragole/anethole to the alleged psychoa
ctivity of the essential oil of guarana can be excluded. Neither the p
sychoactive 4-methoxyamphetamin nor tert-aminoke-tones could be traced
in human urine after oral application of guarana.