Malignant anal tumours are rare cancers but are particularly common in
Switzerland, Poland and Brazil. Very little is known about this condi
tion in the Chinese population. A retrospective study, covering an 11-
year period, was performed. A total of 18 patients were treated at the
Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong. There were eight squamous cell c
arcinomas, seven adenocarcinomas and one each of adenosquamous carcino
ma, malignant melanoma and leiomyosarcoma. Bleeding per rectum, with o
r-without perianal pain, was the main presenting symptom. Abdominoperi
neal resection was the treatment modality used in most cases. Adenocar
cinomas, seen mainly in males, accounted for about 39% of cases, a fig
ure much higher than that published elsewhere. Another 44% of patients
, predominantly females, had squamous cell carcinoma. None had a posit
ive past history of sexually transmitted disease. The local prevalence
of HPV infection is much lower than in the Western world, and the rol
e of HPV in the oncogenesis of anal tumours in the Chinese population
awaits elucidation.