Late Ordovician (late Caradoc to early Ashgill) brachiopods are descri
bed from a carbonate mound within the Dulankara Regional Stage, northe
rn Betpak-Dala Desert, central Kazakhstan. The described fauna represe
nts a part of a diverse Hiberno-Salairian brachiopod assemblage, inclu
ding three species of lingulate brachiopods and nine species of articu
late brachiopods. Two new early athyridide genera and species, Kellere
lla ditissima and Nikolaispira rasilis, are described along with four
other new species of articulate brachiopods, Ptychopleurella aleksandr
ovae, Parastrophina tersa, Parastrophinella portentosa, Rostricellula
sarysuica. Parastrophina angulosa nucula subsp. nov. represents a geog
raphic variety of a species previously known from the Late Ordovician
Boda Limestone of Sweden. The whole fauna is tabulated.