Dyskinesias are abnormal involuntary movements characterised by an exc
essive amount of movement. Typically, these movements are choreiform i
n nature. They may be caused by systemic, metabolic, endocrinologic, s
tructural, vascular, infectious or inherited degenerative conditions,
or be toxin- or drug-induced. With many non-drug-induced dyskinesias,
treatment of the underlying condition may be sufficient to eliminate t
he movements, although temporary treatment may be required to control
the movements if they are severe. Drug-induced dyskinesias often resol
ve when the offending drug is discontinued. A notable exception is tar
dive dyskinesia, which is caused by exposure to dopamine receptor bloc
king drugs, the majority of which are antipsychotic agents. Tardive dy
skinesias will persist, or may even develop after the causative agent
has been stopped and may not spontaneously remit. Another commonly enc
ountered form of drug-induced dyskinesia is seen in patients with Park
inson's disease who are receiving levodopa. Medications which deplete
dopamine are most successful in treating choreiform dyskinesias, altho
ugh anticholinergics, GABAergics, serotonergics, and calcium channel b
locking: agents have been reportedly beneficial in some cases. Treatme
nt of levodopa-induced dyskinesias requires manipulation of the patien
t's antiparkinsonian drug regimen.