A one-dimensional analysis of Kippenhahn-Schluter type is applied to a
sheet of prominence material inclined at an angle, theta to the horiz
ontal. It is found that the magnetic pressure across the prominence no
longer has a symmetric profile, but is stronger on the lower side of
the sheet. This excess in magnetic pressure is necessary to balance th
e component of prominence weight in that direction. A matching functio
n is derived and allows for variations along the length of the sheet,
enabling the internal prominence solution to be linked onto a given ba
ckground potential held. In this way a curved prominence sheet in a po
tential field may be resolved. A smooth profile for the magnetic field
and a continuous variation of plasma pressure across the prominence r
egion is then possible. An example is given in which the analysis is a
pplied to a polar-crown prominence configuration of inverse polarity a
nd the basic properties of the prominence are determined.