Jl. Haferman et al., PHYSICALLY-BASED SATELLITE RETRIEVAL OF PRECIPITATION USING A 3D PASSIVE MICROWAVE RADIATIVE-TRANSFER MODEL, Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology, 13(4), 1996, pp. 832-850
A precipitation retrieval algorithm based on the application of a 3D r
adiative transfer model to a hybrid physical-stochastic 3D cloud model
is described. The cloud model uses a statistical rainfall clustering
scheme to generate 3D cloud structures while ensuring that the stochas
tically generated quantities remain physically plausible. The radiativ
e transfer model is applied to the cloud structures to simulate satell
ite remotely sensed upwelling microwave brightness temperatures T-B's.
Regression-derived relationships between model T-B's and surface rain
fall rates for Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) frequencies are
used as the foundation of the retrieval algorithm, which is valid ove
r oceans. A case study calibrates the retrieval algorithm to the Europ
ean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) numerical weathe
r prediction model and applies the algorithm to SSM/I data obtained du
ring the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Res
ponse Experiment. Comparisons between the satellite-derived precipitat
ion amounts and radar-derived amounts, at a spatial resolution of appr
oximately 55 km, give correlations of about 0.7 for instantaneous rain
rates and 0.634 for monthly accumulations. Although the satellite-der
ived totals are reasonably well correlated with the radar totals, they
also appear to contain a relatively large positive bias, which may in
part be due to the ECMWF tuning. However, optical rain gauge measurem
ents are larger than both the satellite- and radar-derived amounts, ca
sting uncertainty into the level of bias of the satellite algorithm. F
inally, an important aspect of 3D radiative transfer in precipitating
systems is illustrated by demonstrating that satellite viewing angle e
ffects realized in the simulation framework also appear to be present
in empirical relations between SSM/ITB's and radar-derived surface rai
nfall rates.