A chronic lack of pleasure, which can be accompanied by displeasure, h
eralds the breakdown of a psychic economy. What is the functional mean
ing of displeasure? Entropy - a quantity which can be calculated but n
ot measured - is produced by irreversible processes both in thermodyna
mic and physiological and psychic organisms. Is a favourable change in
the evaluation of entropy at the source of what the subject lives as
pleasure? The author's first concern is to demonstrate the anaclisis o
f the drives Eros-Thanatos according to the second principle of thermo
dynamics. To this end he's obliged to reformulate the concepts of life
and death drive; then entropy and pleasure are compared. Given the ec
onomic role of pleasure the conclusion is that during the transmutatio
n of pathological processes from the psychic to the somatic what is tr
ansmitted is precisely the flux of entropy. The lack of an adequate me
ans of evacuation of the entropy surplus is thus at the origin of ''ps
ychosomatic'' disorders. Along the same lines, the psychic economy of
the psychotic close to decompensation fails to evacuate the surplus en
tropy which pours into the soma.