The validity of an experimental 9-word version of the California Verba
l Learning Test (CVLT) was investigated. The construct validity of the
9-word CVLT was assessed with a principal component analysis (PCA) on
a sample of nondemented subjects. A three - factor solution, related
to immediate free recall, delayed recall and recognition, and intrusio
n errors was produced. Construct validity was also assessed by compari
ng subjects with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD), probable ischemic
vascular dementia (IVD), and a normal control (NC) group. AD subjects
evidenced little learning on immediate free recall test conditions, ma
de no improvement on cued recall or recognition test conditions, and p
roduced copious amounts of intrusion errors. IVD subjects performed si
milarly to AD subjects on immediate free recall test conditions, but i
mproved on all cued recall and recognition test conditions, and made s
ignificantly fewer intrusion errors. The NC group was vastly superior
to both groups of demented subjects on all CVLT indices. These results
indicate that the 9-word CVLT has good psychometric properties, and t
hat it may be a reasonable alternative to the standard 16-word CVLT am
ong subjects who are obviously impaired.