Most cases of sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SHL) are idiopathic.
Consequently, the otologist may be asked to predict hearing recovery a
nd select a treatment strategy without fully understanding the disease
process. We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 837 patients with
SHL to evaluate the prognostic value of specific clinical parameters a
nd the effectiveness of steroid and vasodilator treatments. Treatment
response was defined by the patient's subjective response and audiolog
ical criteria. Patients who were treated with steroids and/or vasodila
tors were more likely to improve. Patients who improved had a worse in
itial pure-tone average (PTA) than those who did not improve. In addit
ion, those with poorer initial speech discrimination scores, worse ini
tial thresholds at 4,000 Hz, younger age, and greater number of treatm
ents were more likely to improve. Neither the electronystagmogram resu
lts nor the initial audiogram shape were valuable indicators. Recognit
ion of prognostic indicators can help in counselling patients and in t
he evaluation of treatment response.