Wy. Sun et al., A SIMPLE SEMI-LAGRANGIAN SCHEME FOR ADVECTION EQUATIONS, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 122(533), 1996, pp. 1211-1226
A semi-L-agrangian scheme is proposed by using forward trajectories an
d a splitting approach to the interpolation procedure. Several polynom
ial interpolation schemes are tested, including cubic spline and Lagra
nge polynomials of degree 3, 5 and 7. A simple filter is also proposed
to eliminate spurious short waves and to achieve positive-definitenes
s. Uniform, rotational and Smolarkiewicz's deformational flows are tes
ted, a solution to the inviscid Burger's equation is also provided. Th
is new algorithm employing cubic-spline interpolation and the new filt
er yields efficient and accurate short-term simulations. The advantage
in efficiency of adopting split trajectories for interpolation is acc
ompanied by a restriction which is slightly more stringent than the st
ability criterion for conventional semi-L-agrangian advection schemes.
It is also found that the simple filter can eliminate spurious short
waves very effectively without degrading the solutions.