The routine use of functional knee braces in the anterior cruciate lig
ament-deficient, injured, or reconstructed knee, lacks biomechanical s
upport. Although subjective reports favoring bracing are plentiful, ob
jective proof of significant control of tibial translation is not. Thi
s in vivo study was designed to assess the effect of six popular brace
s on anterior tibial translation, isokinetic performance, and neuromus
cular function in five chronically unstable anterior cruciate ligament
-deficient knees. A knee stress test was performed on a specially desi
gned device that allowed free tibial movement while monitoring anterio
r tibial translation and muscle function in the quadriceps, hamstring,
and gastrocnemius muscles. Results show that braces can decrease ante
rior tibial translation between 28.8% and 39.1% without the stabilizin
g contractions of the hamstring, quadriceps, and gastrocnemius muscles
. With lower extremity muscle activation and bracing, anterior tibial
translation was decreased between 69.8% and 84.9%. Some improvement in
spinal level muscle reaction times was seen with brace use, especiall
y in the quadriceps muscle. Unfortunately, most braces appear to consi
stently slow hamstring muscle reaction times at the voluntary level.