Background/Aims: To study the action of intravenously administered ery
thromycin lactobionate on human gallbladder volume, as a possible prev
entive method against gallbladder stone formation, in high risk patien
ts such as those in sepsis, long standing fasting periods or those rec
eiving prolonged total parenteral nutrition or octreotide. Materials a
nd Methods: Twenty-two volunteers randomized to receive intravenously
either erythromycin lactobionate 7 mg per hg (study group) or normal s
aline (controls). We measured ultrasonographically the gallbladder vol
ume before and at 5, 15, 35, 55, 90, 120 and 280 min after the infusio
n. Results: Erythromycin induced a biphasic gallbladder contraction, w
ith maximum contractility at 15 min (10.2%) and between 120 and 180 mi
n (22.6%), compared to normal saline controls. Late contractility was
correlated to body mass index (BMI). Conclusions: Erythromycin activit
y on gallbladder contraction is proved. Its biphasic action needs furt
her investigation to find the involved mechanism(s). Long term adminis
tration is also necessary to test ifs efficacy in preventing gallbladd
er dilatation.