The main results of quality of life research in sociology and social p
sychology and the findings of psychiatric studies on subjective qualit
y of life are summarized. The present study examined subjective qualit
y of life in patients with chronic schizophrenia in different treatmen
t settings (n = 318/ICD 10:F20). The satisfaction scales of the instru
ment used (Berliner Lebensqualitats-profil) are shown to have adequate
consistency coefficients. Psychopathological variables accounted for
more variance than demographic and illness-related characteristics and
features of objective quality of life. Negative schizophrenic symptom
s were not of particular concern, and anxiety/depression scores did no
t interact with satisfaction ratings in different settings. Two of nin
e domains (living situation and mental health) and the total scores sh
owed significant differences between patients in different settings. T
he degree of contrast between in- and out-patients seemed to be influe
nced by the current length of stay of the in-patients. In addition to
cross-sectional studies, there is a need for further examination of di
fferences in subjective quality of life and in treatment effects in lo
ngitudinal studies, which should make use of panel designs.