A conserved hairpin corresponding to nt 1057-1081 of large subunit rRN
A (Escherichia coli numbering) is part of a domain targeted by antibio
tics and ribosomal protein L11. The stem of the hairpin contains a U .
U juxtaposition, found as either U . U or U . C in virtually all rRNA
sequences, This hairpin has been synthesized and most of the aromatic
and sugar protons were assigned by two-dimensional proton NMR. Distan
ces and sugar puckers deduced from the NMR data were combined with res
trained molecular dynamics calculations to deduce structural features
of the hairpin, The two U residues are stacked in the helix, form one
NH3-O4 hydrogen bond and require an extended backbone conformation (tr
ans alpha and gamma) at one of the U nucleotides. The hairpin loop, UA
GAAGC closed by a U-A pair, is the same size as tRNA anticodon loops,
but nea as well ordered.