Whereas apoptosis is a critical mode of cell deletion in normal organi
sm development, apoptotic cells are also observed in tumors. especiall
y following cytotoxic treatments, leading to questions about their rol
e in tumor response to therapy. We have conducted a series of studies
using murine tumor models and found that the ability of the tumor cell
s to undergo apoptosis correlates with tumor response to radiation. Th
e best correlation was with the pretreatment apoptotic index, suggesti
ng that apoptosis in some tumors may govern radiocurability by regulat
ing the number of tumor clonogens. However, other roles for apoptosis
in tumor response to radiation have not been ruled out. One of the imp
ortant observations that has come from this work has been the heteroge
neity in apoptosis propensity both within the cell population of a giv
en tumor and among different types of tumors. Such findings underscore
the fact that apoptosis is under complex genetic control and that som
e of the same oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that are responsibl
e for tumor initiation and progression to malignancy also dictate the
apoptotic response to treatment. Understanding the biochemical and mol
ecular pathways that govern this process may ultimately allow the deve
lopment of strategies for modulating apoptosis for therapeutic benefit