The high prevalence of affective disorders in the community and its im
pact on the functionality and quality of life, makes it important for
us to know more about the clinical characteristics and biological vari
ables that permit an optimum therapeutic response. Although antidepres
sants have been available during the last 40 years, we still lack info
rmation about the prediction of the therapeutic response. Recent disco
veries concerning the biochemical characteristics of the placebo respo
nders may lead to the definition of specific antidepressive effects an
d, therefore, to the differentiation of response predictors. A suffici
ent dosage and duration of drug administration are important factors i
n the response prediction. Individual pharmacokinetic differences may
be surpassed by the plasmatic measures in some antidepressants. Melanc
holic features (''endogenecity'') are predictors of a good response to
tricyclic antidepressants and electroconvulsive therapy. Independentl
y of endogenecity, there is a curvilinear relationship between a sever
e depression episode and the response to tricyclic antidepressants. On
the contrary, the presence of a personality disorder or of certain ty
pes of personality, such as histrionic traits or a high grade of neuro
ticism, reflect a poor response to tricyclic antidepressants. An abrup
t onset, an older age and a long duration of the depressive episode ar
e predictors of a poor response. Depressions with psychotic symptoms o
r with comorbility caused by substance abuse, or the lack of social su
pport or a highly expressive emotional family environment are negative
response predictors to tricyclic antidepressants. Depressed patients
with atypical characteristics have a better response to monoamino oxid
ase inhibitors (MAOls) and serotonine uptake-inhibiting drugs than tri
cyclics. If the depressed patient has a first grade relative who respo
nds favorably to an specific antidepressant, the possibilities of a go
od response to the drug are higher. Recurrent depression increases the
risk of chronicity. There fore, it is very important that patients wi
th previous depressive episodes should continue their antidepressant t
reatment for a prolonged and sufficient time. The existence of a subcl
inical hypothyroidism is associated with a less favorable outcome. The
reduction of the latency of rapid eye, movements sleep, after one or
two days of tricyclic treatment, indicates a better long-term response