Let S be a nonempty set of vertices of a connected graph G. Then the S
teiner distance of S is the minimum size (number of edges) of a connec
ted subgraph of G containing S. Let n greater than or equal to 2 be an
integer and suppose that G has at least n vertices. Then the Steiner
n-distance of a vertex v of G is defined to be the sum of the Steiner
distances of all sets of n vertices that include v. The Steiner n-medi
an M(n)(G) of G is the subgraph induced by the vertices of minimum Ste
iner n-distance. We show that the Steiner n-median of a tree is connec
ted and determine those trees that are Steiner n-medians of trees, and
show that if T is a tree with more than n vertices, then M(n)(T) subs
et of or equal to M(n+1)(T). Further, a O(\V(T)\) algorithm for findin
g the Steiner n-median of a tree T is presented and a O(n \V(T)\(2)) a
lgorithm for finding the Steiner n-distances of all vertices in tree T
is described. For a connected graph G of order p greater than or equa
l to n, the n-median value of G is the least Steiner n-distance of any
of its vertices. For p greater than or equal to 2n - 1, sharp upper a
nd lower bounds for the n-median values of trees of order p are given,
and it is shown that among all trees of a given order, the path has m
aximum n-median value.