At present no established therapy for the complete loss of meniscus is
available. An attempt is made to create a transplant out of autogenei
c tissue resembling the meniscus in its morphological and functional a
spects, The middle third of the patellar tendon with proximal and dist
al bone blocks serves as a basis and is coated with a fascia lata stri
p. After temporary subcutaneous transfer, the meniscus substitute is i
ntended for later transplantation. The theoretical ideas for the imita
tion of a meniscus in view of fibre architecture and biomechanical val
idity were tested in 14 sheep. In principal this model succeeds in imi
tating the fibre architecture of the menisci. After a conditioning per
iod of 8-10 weeks in the subcutaneous tissue, the neomeniscus seems to
be suitable for transplantation. The tensile strength of the grafts d
ecreases slightly, but the bone blocks stay viable.