The use of winter legume cover crops for erosion control and to provid
e additional N to the soil is well established. Other potential benefi
ts to legume cover crops besides N additions have been recognized, but
have not been quantified, The objective of this study was to separate
the fixed-N effects from the rotation effects in a winter legume cove
r cropping system. A field study was initiated in 1989 on a Norfolk lo
amy sand (fine, loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Kandiudult) in east-ce
ntral Alabama. Corn (Zea mays L.) was grown following (i) 'Tibbee' cri
mson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.), (ii) a partially ineffective-no
dulating crimson clover, CH-1, (iii) rye (Secale cereale L.), and (iv)
winter fallow, The plots were split into four Fates of fertilizer N (
0, 56, 112, and 168 kg N ha(-1)) in a split-plot experimental plan. An
evaluation of different methods of distinguishing fixed-N vs. rotatio
n effects of the winter annual legume cover crop to a subsequent corn
crop was made. Regression analysis of the effect of N application rate
s on Nt fixation by crimson clover (fertilized with 45 kg N ha(-1)) in
dicated that CH-1 clover biomass contained approximately 40 and 101 kg
N ha(-1) and Tibbee clover contained approximately 51 and 119 kg N ha
(-1) in 1990 and 1991, respectively. In both years of the study, crims
on clover substantially increased corn yield compared with winter fall
ow, with a yield increase at the highest fertilizer N application leve
l of 7 and 22% for 1990 and 1991, respectively, Estimates of yield inc
reases due to rotation ranged from negative to 40%. The data indicated
that winter cover crops improve corn yield and that besides soil N av
ailability, there was very little difference between the beneficial ef
fects of clover and the rye cover crops to corn.