The ability of higher Vertebrates such as Birds or Mammals to regenera
te amputated extremities is quite nonexistent. However, limb buds and
limb regeneration blastemas can be easily compared. In this paper, we
describe the vertebrate limb bud development. Epithelial caps were kno
wn to maintain subapical cells in a loose mesenchymal state and were t
hought to synthesize factors which can induce cell proliferation withi
n mesodermal cores. Here, we summarize the previous observations that
led to these hypothesis and report recent data related to the establis
hment of the different polarities within embryonic members. Indeed, nu
merous studies concerned with molecular aspects of epithelio-mesenchym
al signalling are now available and we present evidence that both grow
th factors and peculiar gene expressions elicit the limb bud outgrowth
and its subsequent development.