Electrodeposition is one of the simpler and cheaper processes availabl
e for the fabrication of thin metal films, Recent developments have ma
de it possible to electrodeposit a wide range of nanostructured materi
als, including many that exhibit giant magnetoresistance (GMR), We rev
iew progress in the growth and characterization of such films, startin
g with electrodeposited ferromagnetic metal/non-magnetic metal superla
ttices in which the individual layers can be as thin as 10 Angstrom or
less and for which several workers have reported significant GMR at r
oom temperature. Next we describe a method which can be used to produc
e superlattices having a thickness of several mu m and an area of less
than 1 mu m(2). These ''superlattice nanowires'' are ideal for measur
ements of GMR in the current perpendicular to plane (CPP) geometry and
are an example of a structure which at present can only be produced b
y electrodeposition. Finally, we consider the electrodeposition of het
erogeneous alloy films showing GMR.