We measured the spectral reflectance of the fovea of ten normal subjec
ts in four conditions, i.e. under dark-adapted and bleached conditions
and at two retinal angles of incidence. The objective was to study op
tical pathways through the photoreceptor layer, resulting in a model t
hat simultaneously explains spectral, directional and bleaching proper
ties of the fovea. On theoretical grounds, we propose that small refle
ctions from the stack of discs in the cone outer segments are the orig
in of the directional component of foveal reflection. Non-directional
reflection occurs at the inner limiting membrane and at all layers pos
terior to the outer segments. With four reflectance spectra as input,
the model allows determination of the density of the photostable absor
bers, the lens, macular pigment, melanin and blood. Because of the sim
plified modeling of the layers posterior to the photoreceptor layer, t
he values for the density of melanin and blood are not necessarily com
parable to physiological data. The density of the visual pigment calcu
lated with this model is consistent with psychophysical data, with est
imates for the ten subjects ranging from 0.41 to 0.80. The long wavele
ngth sensitive cone fraction is calculated as 0.56. Copyright (C) 1996
Elsevier Science Ltd.