Bathing in CO2 has been used for a long time in the treatment of disor
ders of the circulation. We have evaluated the effect of CO2 baths in
patients with progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) who were suffering
from Raynaud's syndrome. In 18 patients with PSS and in 16 healthy vol
unteers the microcirculation of the skin was measured using laser dopp
ler flowmetry. The perfusion of the skin increased considerably during
immersion in a CO2 bath in patients with PSS as well as in healthy pe
rsons, although in PSS-patients the perfusion as a whole was reduced.
The amplitude of vasomotion showed a marked increase after the CO2 bat
h. The number and severity of attacks of Raynaud's syndrome in patient
s with PSS could be significantly reduced. The use of CO2 baths is a v
aluable addition to the treatment of patients with Raynaud's syndrome.