Js. Crighton et al., ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY UPDATE - INDUSTRIAL ANALYSIS - METALS, CHEMICALS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry, 11(12), 1996, pp. 461
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This Atomic Spectrometry Update is the latest in an annual series appe aring under the title 'Industrial Analysis'. The structure of the revi ew is broadly the same as in previous years. Direct analysis of solid samples continues to be a prime objective for industrial atomic spectr ometry and laser sampling techniques (for both MS and AES) are becomin g increasingly common, especially in the field of metals analysis. Mor e traditional approaches using glow discharge sources are, however, st ill undergoing development and are frequently applied to the determina tion of elemental depth profiles. A novel sampling system has even bee n described which permits elemental mapping over many tens of square c entimeters of a sample surface at one: time using GD-AES. The developm ent of rf GD sources is beginning to extend the applications of GD-MS and GD-AES to non-conductive Samples and may be particularly useful in the held of advanced materials. However, although seldom reflected in the volume of published literature, XRF still often remains the metho d of choice within industry for direct analysis of solid samples. The capabilities of the technique have recently been extended to include s patially resolved analysis, through the development of instruments wit h microbeam capabilities and of software packages that are capable of carrying out the analysis of small, irregularly shaped particles, and this is now beginning to be exploited. TXRF continues to become more e stablished within the semiconductor industry for the determination of contaminants on wafer and device surfaces and the applications of the technique have recently been extended to include the analysis of light elements (e.g., Al, C, F, Mg, N, Na and O). It has been estimated tha t there are now over 100 TXRF instruments in use within the semiconduc tor industry, and the possibility of establishing an industry wide ISO standard method based around the technique has been discussed at a re cent conference. XRF is also frequently the method of choice for many process control applications. In the field of catalyst analysis, howev er, traditional solid sampling techniques such as SIMS, XPS and electr on microscopy (usually in combination with XRD) continue to dominate. Rapid multi-element techniques, such as ICP-MS, are becoming more wide ly available and the capabilities are being exploited for a diverse ra nge of 'fingerprinting' applications (precious metal identification, o il-source rock correlations, origin of illicit drugs, archaeological a rtefact correlations, etc.). The range of elements covered by ICP-MS i s being extended to include 'difficult' elements (i.e., those which su ffer from molecular ion interferences) through the use of novel sample introduction techniques and/or cool plasmas. Reports on the applicati on of high resolution ICP-MS are starting to appear in the literature and it is clear that this technique offers very high potential, partic ularly for applications in the nuclear industry and for the analysis o f advanced materials. At the moment, however, the number of such repor ts is relatively small, due to the limited availability and high cost of the instrumentation. In cases where multi-element capability is not required, it is often difficult to justify expensive instrumentation such as that described above, and so many workers are developing innov ative approaches to improve sensitivity and eliminate interferences wi th cheaper alternatives such as FAAS and ETAAS., G large proportion of such work has to some extent been:stimulated by the commercial availa bility of robust and automated sample preparation and sample introduct ion equipment (ultrasonic nebulizers, thermosprays, direct injection n ebulizers, on-line matrix separation/preconcentration systems, hydride generation/desolvation systems, etc). Direct injection nebulization ( DIN) appears to offer particular advantages for ICP-AES and ICP-MS ana lysis, since it allows direct analysis of samples containing volatile analytes (e.g., As, Hg and P in organic feedstocks), and when combined with how injection, can allow extremely rapid analysis (up to 240 sam ples per hour). Every year sees a growing awareness regarding the impa ct of industrial products and processes on the environment and this is the driving force for much of the research in the field of atomic spe ctrometry at the current time. Methods for determination of total elem ent concentrations are fairly well established, although developments in ICP-AES (e.g., axially viewed plasma, ultrasonic nebulization) have meant that this technique may be starting to undergo something of a r enaissance, as it can now be used for applications which, a few years ago, would have required the use of a more sensitive technique such as ICP-MS or ETAAS. The extension of the UV wavelength range of some new er ICP-AES instruments to allow determination of chlorine down to ppm levels also increases the attractiveness of the technique for environm ental applications. In many cases, however, determination of total ele ment concentrations in environmental samples is not sufficient, since it is well known that toxicity can vary enormously depending on the ch emical form of the element. Methods for element speciation are much le ss well developed than those for total element concentrations and so t he former is a very active field of research at the present time. Most of the work reported is concerned with development of methods for ext racting, and if necessary derivatizing, chemical species prior to meas urement using a chromatographic system coupled with an atomic spectrom etric detector. In view of the complexity of these problems, it seems likely that this will remain an active area of research for many years to come.