The tensile mechanical properties of welded titanium joints were studi
ed, and intact titanium was used as controls. Welded joints were fabri
cated with either a stereographic laser-welding technique or a gas tun
gsten are welding technique. The effect of heat treatment following a
simulated porcelain application was also investigated. Heat-treated la
ser welds had significantly lower ultimate tensile strengths. Heat tre
atment had no effect on the modulus of elasticity or elongation, but g
enerally significantly decreased the yield strength of the titanium sp
ecimens. The gas tungsten are welding specimens had significantly high
er yield strengths and elastic moduli than the other two groups. The e
longation of the control specimens was significantly greater than the
elongation of the gas tungsten are welding specimens, which was in tur
n significantly higher than that of the laser-welded specimens.