Meller's duck Anas melleri is a non-dichromatic bird endemic to Madaga
scar. It has been considered a recent island isolate of the northern m
allard A. platyrhynchos based on its superficial resemblance to the fe
male mallard and on historical records of captive. A. melleri females
hybridising with more colourful males of other species. This paper giv
es an account of aspects of reproductive behaviour observed in a capti
ve Rock of. A. melleri. This species showed marked territoriality thro
ughout egg laying and incubation, Males remained paired to the females
during observations and pairs may last for several seasons. Anas mell
eri does not routinely use forced extra pair copulation (FEPC) as a re
productive strategy. These aspects of reproductive behaviour differ ma
rkedly to those of A. platyrhynchos.