This paper describes a document entry system called the Document Recog
nition System (DRS), which facilitates the conversion of printed docum
ents into electronic form. DRS was developed on a personal computer (P
C) with an adapter card for recognizing more than 3000 Kanji character
s. It provides a flexible framework for object-oriented management of
data and processing modules. The framework allows the user to change t
he combination of processing modules and to select pipelining (paralle
l processing) or sequential processing. DRS includes processing module
s for layout analysis functions such as blob detection, block segmenta
tion, and model matching, and for character recognition functions such
as Kanji character recognition, Japanese postprocessing, postprocessi
ng by a user, and error correction through a user interface. The chara
cter recognition functions on the card and the other processing-relate
d recognition functions on the PC work cooperatively in the proposed f
ramework. Within the basic framework, we have customized DRS for pract
ical applications. Examples of successful applications-entry into a te
xt database, creation of an electronic catalog, entry of family regist
ration data, and entry of tag data in a manufacturing process-provide
evidence of the processing accuracy and robustness of the framework.