The cost of food for infants aged 5-12 months who are fed according to
the scientific dietary schedule for the first year of rife, is about
50-150% higher if beikost is exclusively fed by use of commercial prod
ucts as compared to exclusive feeding of home made beikost. The cost o
f food (per 1000 kcal) of the present day diet decrease from the 5th m
onth with increasing age and decreasing proportions of commercial prod
ucts acid reaches by the end of the first year of life the range of th
e cost of food of the present day diet of older children. A diet accor
ding to the scientific recommendations given for infants in the second
half of the first year of life and for children and adolescents, resp
ectively, does not require higher cost of food than the present day di
et which deviates from the recommendations for the majority of childre