A misfit layer oxide Tl-0.41(Sr0.9O)(1.12)CoO2 has been synthesized, a
nd its structural model established by ED and HREM. The cell parameter
s of the two subsystems have been refined from XRPD data. The subsyste
m S-1 (a = 4.9498(5) Angstrom, b(1) = 5.0222(6) Angstrom, c = 11.658(1
) Angstrom, beta = 97.755(7)degrees) characterizes the strontium-defic
ient rock-salt layers [(Sr(0.9)rectangle 0.1)O](infinity), whereas the
subsystem S-2 (a = 4.9498(5) Angstrom, b(2) = 2.807(2) Angstrom, c =
11.656(1) Angstrom, beta = 97.755(7)degrees) corresponds to the octahe
dral [CoO2](infinity) layers that exhibit the CdI2 structure. The thal
lium atoms are located between the two kinds of layers, with a distord
ed tetrahedral coordination, ensuring the cohesion of the structure.