Although recent academic and popular attention has argued for a weddin
g between population and environmental problems and policies, the scie
ntific knowledge base for these topics has grown separately and at dif
ferential rates. Environmental research has grown faster than populati
on research, while the joint treatment of these topics remains in its
infancy. International polls that have included many questions concern
ing environmental attitudes have included far fewer on population. The
few surveys on population attitudes have ignored the environment. The
World Fertility Survey and the Demographic and Health Survey are fert
ility, rather than population, surveys. They have been useful in preci
pitating national policies on family planning, but are poor models for
needed attitudinal and cognitive research on population and the envir
onment. Some contemporary polls, such as the UNDEP sponsored poll cond
ucted by the Louis Harris Agency, have serious methodological defects.
Others, such as the 1992 Gallup poll, contain valuable data from whic
h future surveys could profit. The conclusion outlines the need for a
new multinational survey of Population/Environment Knowledge, Attitude
and Practice (PEKAP).