Residence times and flow paths of pipe and stream flow were studied du
ring low flow in the Nant Gerig and Gwy experimental catchments at Ply
nlimon in mid-Wales, UK, using a two-month time series of natural deut
erium and electrical conductivity data from perennial and ephemeral pi
pe flow, stream flow, groundwater and rainfall. Low flow in both the p
erennial pipe and the stream was maintained by 'old' groundwater disch
arge. This groundwater was at least 40 days old. Flow in the ephemeral
pipe was dominated by old groundwater and was only slightly affected
by direct inputs of new water. Although direct rainfall inputs contrib
uted minimally to runoff in the perennial pipe and the stream, rainfal
l influenced the isotopic and chemical character of the groundwater, R
ainfall also affected the water-table elevation, which determined the
flashiness of the perennial pipe flow and whether the ephemeral pipe f
lowed. The isotope and electrical conductivity data suggest that storm
runoff in both the main pipe and the stream is overwhelmingly old wat
er. A sensitivity analysis suggests that the old water is supplied bot
h from near-stream groundwater and upslope groundwater delivered by th
e ephemeral pipes.